Dear Paul Carlson Partnership family,
I have just returned from a few days of vacation to welcome our 6th grandbaby. Evelyn Marie was born Monday, March 16; third child to our son Stephen and wife Ruth, who are stationed in Kinshasa, DR Congo but currently in the USA on home assignment (Mission Aviation Fellowship program director/pilot/mechanic). What a joy to share this bright spot in my family with you!

As I resume PCP ministry, I honestly greet you with a new – and somewhat TBD perspective. “Le monde est bouleversé” – French, for “The world is turned upside down.” COVID-19 has disrupted life as we know it. How will PCP move forward in a positive way? How can we grasp a healthy perspective?
First and foremost, let’s keep each other and our ministry partners in prayer as we seek the Lord as our Stabilizer in this topsy-turvy environment. Social, economic, political, personal, familial – spiritual. You name it, it’s been shaken. But Jesus is not shaken. He holds at once all pain and all joy; he is at once all love and all sovereign justice. I want to share with you my heart of trust in God for each one of us and also for the work we are called to do as individuals and together: God alone is our security and our guide to a positive future.

Second, let’s keep in mind and heart the foundational blessing of relationships that we have built together with our Congolese colleagues, which keep us connected and functioning well in all three areas of our work together: medical, economic, and infrastructure development. Strategy, funding, implementing, and reporting continue to operate with integrity even though we can not physically visit DR Congo at this time. We share email, WhatsApp, phone, and other online platforms to remain in real-time communication.
Finally, let’s continue to celebrate the goodness of God! In over 118 clinics and 5 hospitals in northwest DR Congo, doctors and nurses continue to save lives every day. Less than 8 weeks ago, engineers from the US and DR Congo worked together towards building bridges in the Bogose Nubea area.

This month, coffee producers in the Karawa Coffee Project are preparing for next steps in expansion of the project which will bring about the first sale of their coffee crops in just a few months. Thank you, PCP family, for supporting these critical ministries!

Our Congolese medical professionals are staying up to date on COVID-19 preparedness. While DR Congo is lagging in COVID-19 infection, it is presumed that it’s just a matter of time before they experience the wave of spread. Just yesterday, Congo’s President Félix Tshisekedi declared a state of emergency and restricted travel between provinces. At this moment there is not an outbreak in the Ubangi-Mongala region where the Covenant Church of Congo is located. We get regular updates from Congolese partners and our ECC residential global personnel. We remain available to receive updates and will pass on information as we know it.
May the Lord give you his peace and strength as you look to Him for all security. I close this message on a bright and hopeful note: check out the photos of the Centre de Santé (clinic) at Kwada in the Karawa health zone that was built and celebrated its dedication last Friday, March 20, 2020.
– Renée
Renée Hale
Executive Director
Paul Carlson Partnership
P.S. We want to stay connected with you as much as possible during this time! Feel free to contact me, or any member of our team, for a call, email, or video chat. Merci mingi!