Correction: The original story named Dr. Freddy Bale as the CEUM doctor who tested positive for COVID-19. We recently learned that information was incorrect. The doctor who tested positive COVID-19 is another Dr. Freddy but does not work for the CEUM. The story has been corrected below.
PCP has learned that last weekend two doctors were med-evacuated from Gemena to Kinshasa over the weekend. One doctor, Dr. Freddy, tested positive for COVID-19 and is in serious condition. He works with IMA and lives in Gbadolite. He was distributing bed nets in South Ubangi for IMA this past month. This news confirms the virus is now in the Ubangi area. Please pray for Dr. Freddy and his family, as well as everyone in the Ubangi region.
The PCP Medical Ambassadors are currently discussing and coordinating with the doctors in the CEUM on protocols and use of a newly researched drug, dexamethasone. The drug looks to have promising results for patients who are oxygen deprived and in serious condition. With 20-35% of patients improving with this common and inexpensive drug, it’s possibly a good way to help those in Congo in an area where ventilators are not available.
Again, we invite you to give if you are able, as we know this has been a difficult time for many. Please be in prayer for the logistics, plans, and people we know and love in DR Congo.
ECC Global Personnel in DR Congo
Due to the recent news of COVID-19 reaching the Gemena area, Pete and Cindy Ekstrand, Marta Klein, and Paul Noren will be leaving DR Congo on June 25, 2020. This is a few weeks earlier than their original departure date. The team is busy packing up their belongings, preparing for a more urgent transition, and saying goodbye to dear friends. Please be in prayer for the team.