Our partners in Congo find themselves behind the rest of Sub-Sharan Africa in terms of eyecare. For the past three years, the million plus people served by the CEUM have had only one person with some training in eyecare. Typically, there are 2.5 ophthalmologists for every million people in this region of Africa, whereas the US has about 60 per million.
On January 14, 2021, two nurses, chosen by the CEUM and supported by the Medical Ambassadors, began training in Kinshasa as ophthalmologists for work at the Karawa Hospital. The hospital has been without an ophthalmologist for over three years. These two nurses hope to fill the gap after training. Please pray for these men who will be studying from now until 2023. Pray the Lord will bless their training and they will find encouragement as they study apart from their families.