is the #1 way to reduce childhood deaths in DR Congo
Preventing illness and death starts at the source. Support our partners to develop 33 clean water sources by the end of 2020.

Congolese medical professionals tell us that clean water = healthy people. Water borne illnesses, dysentery, dehydration, and death are greatly reduced when clean water sources are available. Through the Congo Clinic Initiative, 9 clean water sources have already been established through our partnership with local villages in DR Congo!
$10,000 per capped spring
Approximately 1,000 people per village
Realistically, about 3 villages and 1 clinic will use the water source.
CCI Newsletter
The CCI Quarterly Newsletter is our main way to send you stories about our partners, updates about CCI projects, and ways to develop a knowledgeable heart for Congo in your family, church, or organization. Feel free to download the resources below.
CCI Church Bulletin Inserts
The CCI Update Church Bulletin Inserts are shorter versions of the CCI Quarterly Newsletter. They are a half sheet of paper (5.5 x 5.8) double-sided. Feel free to download and print for your congregation!
CCI Posters
CCI PowerPoint
Show your church how your support is making a difference in Congo. Includes music!
The Congo Clinic Experience Kit
Build a Congo clinic at your church so your congregation can experience what it is like for a Congolese family to receive medical care in Congo.
Click here for the resources and video.
Kids Corner
Learning activities for kids are included in each of the CCI Quarterly Newsletters. Here are a few!
Fundraising for the Congo Clinic Initiative can be really fun!
Check out the creative ways many clinic sponsors have raised support for the clinics in Congo.
Team BBC (Brothers Biking for Congo)
You can host a PCP Sunday at your church, and we would love to help! Here is a sample of what we are available to do:
Preach on Sunday morning
Teach in Sunday morning school classes (adult, youth, or children)
Give a CCI presentation
Special music concerts by our Executive Director, Renée Hale
Meet with leadership teams, mission committees, medical professionals, or other small groups
Members of our Board of Directors are also available to visit your home, church, or group